Wave IV
Overview Report
Congregations in 21st Century America
Mark Chaves, Joseph Roso, Anna Holleman, and Mary Hawkins. 2021. Durham, NC: Department of Sociology, Duke University.
Introductory Article
Introducing the Fourth Wave of the National Congregations Study
Mark Chaves, Mary Hawkins, Anna Holleman, and Joseph Roso. 2020. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 59(4): 646-650.
Wave III
Overview Report
Religious Congregations in 21st Century America
Mark Chaves and Alison Eagle. November 2015. Durham, NC: Department of Sociology, Duke University.
Introductory Article
Changing American Congregations: Findings from the Third Wave of the National Congregations Study
Mark Chaves and Shawna Anderson. 2014. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 53(4):676-86.
Wave II
Overview Report
American Congregations at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Mark Chaves, Shawna Anderson, and Jason Byassee. June 2009. Durham, NC: Department of Sociology, Duke University.
Introductory Article
Mark Chaves and Shawna Anderson. 2008. Sociology of Religion 69(4):415–40.
Wave I
Introductory Article
The National Congregations Study: Background, Methods, and Selected Results
Mark Chaves, Mary Ellen Konieczny, Kraig Beyerlein, and Emily Barman. 1999. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 38(4):458–76.