All Publications
Publications from the National Congregations Study range from general overviews to writings about specific topics. They are aimed at academic, clergy, and lay audiences. If copyright restrictions prevent your download of an article for which Mark Chaves is one of the authors, please contact us with your request and we will send a copy to you. Also, if you have used NCS data to write something, or if you know of something that has been written using NCS data, please let us know so we can add it to the list of study writings.
Springfield Area Congregations Study: Profile and Community Engagement
Hoegeman, Catherine, Dan Prater, Christina Ryder, and Matthew Gallion. 2016. Drury University Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Missouri State University, Springfield, MO.
Programming Provided by Religious Congregations in the United States to Address Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorder
Holleman, Anna. 2024. Journal of Religion and Health 63:551-566.
Embracing the Unknown: Exploring Interfaith Dialogue and Collaboration
Holleman, Meagan and Anna Holleman. 2023. Friends Journal, October 2023.
Inequality within Congregations and Congregations’ Response to Inequality: Studies of Gender and Mental Health, Race and Mental Health, and Participation in the Sanctuary Movement
Holleman, Anna. 2021. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, Duke University, Durham, NC.
Religious Congregations’ Technological and Financial Capacities on the Eve of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Holleman, Anna, Joseph Roso, and Mark Chaves. 2021. Review of Religious Research 64:163-188.
When Religion Hurts: Structural Sexism and Health in Religious Congregations
Homan, Patricia and Amy Burdette. 2021. American Sociological Review 86(2):234–255.
Examining the Presence of Congregational Programs Focused on Violence Against Women
Houston-Kolnik, Jaclyn D. and Nathan R. Todd. 2016. American Journal of Community Psychology 57(3–4): 459–72.
Race and Charitable Church Activity
Hungerman, Daniel. 2008. Economic Inquiry 46(3):380– 400.
Intimate Diversity: The Presentation of Multiculturalism and Multiracialism in a High-Boundary Religious Movement
Jenkins, Kathleen E. 2003. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 42(3):393–409.
Resources, Race, and Female-Headed Congregations in the United States
Konieczny, Mary Ellen and Mark Chaves. 2000. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 39(3):261–71.
Political Activity in American Synagogues
Kotler-Berkowitz, Laurence. 2021. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 17(1):1-28.
Can Churches Change a Neighborhood? A Census Tract, Multilevel Analysis of Churches and Neighborhood Change
Kresta, David E. 2019. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Urban Studies, Portland State University, Portland, OR.
Religious Organizations as Racialized Organizations: Loose Coupling and Symbolic Allyship Between Denominational Racial Justice Statements and Congregational Practice
Lauve-Moon, Tim A. 2024. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity.
Welcoming Strangers: Protestant Churches’ Involvement in Refugee Resettlement in the United States
Lee, Young-Joo. 2024. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
Is Your Church “Liked” on Facebook? Social Media Use of Christian Congregations in the United States
Lee, Young-Joo. 2017. Nonprofit Management and Leadership 28(3):383- 398.
The Politics of 130,000 American Religious Leaders: A New Methodological Approach
Malina, Gabrielle, and Eitan Hersh. 2021. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 60(4):709–25.
Raising the Roof: The Pastoral-to-Program Size Transition
Mann, Alice. 2001. Herndon, Virginia: Alban Institute.
Distinctive or Defensive? Measuring Religious Strictness and Testing Effects of Behavioral and Boundary Rules on Organizational Vitality
Martin, Nancy. 2002. Master's Thesis, Department of Sociology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Measuring Religion in Different Spatial Contexts: How Surveys Involving Religion Inconsistently Determine Locations
Miller, Brian J. 2016. Review of Religious Research 58:285-304.
Black Church Culture, Social Programs and Faith-Based Policy: Using Organization Theory to Reconcile Rhetoric and Reality
Myers, Valerie L. 2005. African American Research Perspectives 11(1):116–38.
Religion in America
Pearce, Lisa D. and Claire Chipman Gilliland. 2020. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
Church Planters: Inside the World of Religion Entrepreneurs
Pitt, Richard N. 2022. New York: Oxford University Press.
Differences Between Founder-Led and Non- Founder-Led Congregations: A Research Note
Pitt, Richard and Patrick Washington. 2020. Review of Religious Research 62:67- 82.
Class and Congregations: Class and Religious Affiliation at the Congregational Level of Analysis
Reimer, Sam. 2007. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 46(4):583–94.
Orthodoxy Niches: Diversity in Congregational Orthodoxy among Three Protestant Denominations in the United States
Reimer, Sam. 2011. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 50(4):763–79.
Streamable Services: Affinities for Streaming in Pre-Pandemic Congregational Worship
Roso, Joseph. 2023. Religions 14(5):641-56.
The Churches They Are a Changin’: Processes of Change in Worship Services
Roso, Joseph. 2023. Sociology of Religion 84(2):190-221.
The Uses of Technology in Twenty-First Century Congregational Worship: A Report from the National Congregations Study
Roso, Joseph. 2023. Liturgy 28(4):3-10.
Trends in the Practices and Rhetoric of Religious Organizations and Leaders in 21st Century America
Roso, Joseph. 2023. PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, Duke University, Durham, NC.
Changing Worship Practices in American Congregations
Roso, Joseph, Anna Holleman and Mark Chaves. 2020. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 59(4):675-684.
The Social and Symbolic Boundaries of Congregations: An Analysis of Website Links
Scheitle, Christopher P. 2005. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 1(6):1-21
Beyond the Congregation: The World of Christian Nonprofits
Scheitle, Christopher P. 2010. Oxford University Press.
Exploring Religious Congregations’ Registration With the IRS
Scheitle, Christopher P., Erica J. Dollhopf, and John D. McCarthy. 2016. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 45(2):397 – 408.
Faith-Health Collaboration in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Study
Steinman, Kenneth Jacob and Athe Bambakidis. 2008. American Journal of Health Promotion 22(4):256–63.
Gendered Congregations, Gendered Service: The Impact of Clergy Gender on Congregational Social Service Participation
Stewart-Thomas, M. 2010. Gender, Work & Organization 17(4):406–32.
Predictors of HIV/AIDS Programming in African American Churches: Implications for HIV Prevention, Testing, and Care
Stewart, Jennifer, Alexandra Hanlon, and Bridgette M. Brawner. 2016. Health Education & Behavior 44(3):385–393.
Urban Faith-Based Organizations and Community Economic Development: Understanding the Characteristics and Context of a Movement
Tempel, Flora Shannon. 2022. Master’s Thesis, Department of Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington.
Examining Patterns of Political, Social Service, and Collaborative Involvement of Religious Congregations: A Latent Class and Transition Analysis
Todd, Nathan R. and Jaclyn D. Houston. 2012. American Journal of Community Psychology 51(3-4):422–38.
Prevalence and Predictors of Substance Use Support Programming Among U.S. Religious Congregations
Torres, Vanessa N., Brad R. Fulton, Eunice C. Wong, and Kathryn P. Derose. 2022. Journal of Drug Issues 53(4):581-601.
Congregation-based Services for Elders: An Examination of Patterns and Correlates
Trinitapoli, Jenny. 2005. Research on Aging 27(2):241–64.
U.S. Religious Congregations and the Sponsorship of Health-Related Programs
Trinitapoli, Jenny, Christopher G. Ellison and Jason D. Boardman. 2009. Social Science and Medicine 68(12):2231–39.
African American Congregations, Lay Leadership, and Social Service Activity
Tsitsos, William. 2001. Master’s Thesis, Department of Sociology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Race Differences in Congregational Social Service Activity
Tsitsos, William. 2003. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 42(2):205–15.
The Interaction of Race and Theological Orientation in Congregational Social Service Provision
Tsitsos, William. 2007. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Trust in God and Trust in Man: The Ambivalent Role of Religion in Shaping Dimensions of Social Trust
Welch, Michael R., David Sikkink, Eric Sartain and Carolyn Bond. 2004. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 43(3):317–43.
Religious Organizations and Homosexuality: The Acceptance of Gays and Lesbians in American Congregations
Whitehead, Andrew L. 2013. Review of Religious Research 55(2):297–317.
Focused on the Family? Religious Traditions, Family Discourse, and Pastoral Practice
Wilcox, W. Bradford, Mark Chaves and David Franz. 2004. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 43(4):491–504.
Predictors of the Existence of Congregational HIV Programs: Similarities and Differences Compared with Other Health Programs
Williams, Malcolm V., Ann Haas, Beth Ann Griffin, Brad R. Fulton, David E. Kanouse, Laura M. Bogart, and Kathryn Pitkin Derose. 2015. American Journal of Health Promotion 29(6):e225–e235.
An Empirical Test of Church and Denominational Growth Models, 1990-2001
Wang, Xiaoyan. 2008. Ph.D. Dissertation, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
Gendered Organizations and Inequality Regimes: Gender, Homosexuality, and Inequality Within Religious Congregation
Whitehead, Andrew L. 2013. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 52(3):476-493.
Prevalence and Predictors of Mental Health Programming Among U.S. Religious Congregations
Wong, Eunice C., Brad R. Fulton, and Kathryn P. Derose. 2017. Psychiatric Services 69(2):154-160.
Sources of Care for Alcohol and Other Drug Problems: The Role of the African American Church
Wong, Eunice C., Kathryn P. Derose, Paula Litt, and Jeremy N. V. Miles. 2017. Journal of Religion and Health 57:1200-1210.
Saving America? Faith-Based Services and the Future of Civil Society
Wuthnow, Robert. 2004. Princeton: Princeton University Press.