All Publications
Publications from the National Congregations Study range from general overviews to writings about specific topics. They are aimed at academic, clergy, and lay audiences. If copyright restrictions prevent your download of an article for which Mark Chaves is one of the authors, please contact us with your request and we will send a copy to you. Also, if you have used NCS data to write something, or if you know of something that has been written using NCS data, please let us know so we can add it to the list of study writings.
Filling Pews and Voting Booths: The Role of Politicization in Congregational Growth
Audette, Andre P. and Christopher L. Weaver. 2016. Political Research Quarterly 69(2):245–57.
Reconciling the God and Gender Gaps: The Influence of Women in Church Politics
Audette, Andre P., Maryann Kwakwa, and Christopher L. Weaver. 2018. Politics, Groups, and Identities 6(4):682-701.
Is the Religious Left Resurgent?
Baker, Joseph and Marti, Gerardo. 2020. Sociology of Religion 81(2):131–141.
Social Legitimacy and the Political Styles of Protestant Congregations in the United States
Beckham, Tony A. 2004. Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Leadership Studies, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA.
The Political Activities of Religious Congregations in the United States
Beyerlein, Kraig and Mark Chaves. 2003. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 42(2):229–46.
Why Congregations Mobilize for Progressive Causes
Beyerlein, Kraig and A. Joseph West. 2017. Pp 76—96 in Religion and Progressive Activism: New Stories about Faith and Politics, edited by Ruth Braunstein, Todd Nicholas Fuist, and Rhys H. Williams. New York: New York University Press.
The Political Mobilization of America’s Congregations
Beyerlein, Kraig and Mark Chaves. 2020. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 59(4): 663-674.
The Role Race Plays: Racial Differences in Social Service Provision and Political Activism among Black and White Religious Congregations
Brown, Khari. 2004. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Racial Differences in Congregation-based Political Activism
Brown, Khari. 2006. Social Forces 84(3):1581–1604.
Religious Variations in Public Presence: Evidence from the National Congregations Study
Chaves, Mark, Helen Giesel and William Tsitsos. 2002. Pp. 108–28 in The Quiet Hand of God: Faith-Based Activism and the Public Role of Mainline Protestantism, edited by Robert Wuthnow and John H. Evans. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Does Government Funding Suppress Nonprofits’ Political Activities?
Chaves, Mark, Laura Stephens and Joseph Galaskiewicz. 2004. American Sociological Review 69:292–316.
Are Congregations Constrained by Government? Empirical Results from the National Congregations Study
Chaves, Mark and William Tsitsos. 2000. Journal of Church and State 42(2):335–44.
The Black Church Is Alive: Exploring Factors that Keep the Black Church Central to Black American Activism
Cole, Kiga. 2022. Master’s Thesis, Department of Sociology, California State University, Sacramento.
Are Online Congregations Representative? Exploring Resource and Political Differences
Djupe, Paul A., Claire C. Gilliland, and Shayla F. Olson. 2023. Review of Religious Research 65(1):121-138.
Political Mobilization in American Congregations: A Religious Economies Perspective
Djupe, Paul A. and Jacob R. Neiheisel. 2019. Politics and Religion 12(1):123– 152.
Church Activism
Everton, Sean F. 2016. Pp 368-71 in The Sage Encyclopedia of Economics and Society, edited by Frederick F. Wherry and Juliet B. Schor. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
For God and Country: The Political Activism of Religious Congregations in the United States
Everton, Sean F. 2023. International Journal of Religion 4(2):89-106.
Trends in Addressing Social Needs: A Longitudinal Study of Congregation-Based Service Provision and Political Participation
Fulton, Brad R. 2016. Religions 7(5):51-67.
Achieving and Leveraging Diversity Through Faith-Based Organizing
Fulton, Brad R., and Richard L. Wood. 2017. Pp. 29-55 in Religion and Progressive Activism: New Stories about Faith and Politics, edited by Ruth Braunstein, Todd Nicholas Fuist, and Rhys H. Williams. New York: New York University Press.
Political Activity in American Synagogues
Kotler-Berkowitz, Laurence. 2021. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 17(1):1-28.
Religious Organizations as Racialized Organizations: Loose Coupling and Symbolic Allyship Between Denominational Racial Justice Statements and Congregational Practice
Lauve-Moon, Tim A. 2024. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity.
The Politics of 130,000 American Religious Leaders: A New Methodological Approach
Malina, Gabrielle, and Eitan Hersh. 2021. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 60(4):709–25.
Examining Patterns of Political, Social Service, and Collaborative Involvement of Religious Congregations: A Latent Class and Transition Analysis
Todd, Nathan R. and Jaclyn D. Houston. 2012. American Journal of Community Psychology 51(3-4):422–38.