All Publications
Publications from the National Congregations Study range from general overviews to writings about specific topics. They are aimed at academic, clergy, and lay audiences. If copyright restrictions prevent your download of an article for which Mark Chaves is one of the authors, please contact us with your request and we will send a copy to you. Also, if you have used NCS data to write something, or if you know of something that has been written using NCS data, please let us know so we can add it to the list of study writings.
Financing American Religion
Chaves, Mark. 2002. Pp. 41–54 in Taking Fundraising Seriously: The Spirit of Faith and Philanthropy, edited by Dwight F. Burlingame. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Does Government Funding Suppress Nonprofits’ Political Activities?
Chaves, Mark, Laura Stephens and Joseph Galaskiewicz. 2004. American Sociological Review 69:292–316.
Mega, Medium, and Mini: Size and the Socioeconomic Status Composition of American Protestant Churches
Eagle, David E. 2012. Research in the Sociology of Work 23:281–307.
The Socio-Economic Contribution of Religion to American Society: An Empirical Analysis
Grim, Brian J. and Melissa E. Grim. 2016. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 12(3):1-31.
Religious Congregations’ Technological and Financial Capacities on the Eve of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Holleman, Anna, Joseph Roso, and Mark Chaves. 2021. Review of Religious Research 64:163-188.
Class and Congregations: Class and Religious Affiliation at the Congregational Level of Analysis
Reimer, Sam. 2007. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 46(4):583–94.